How to make internet a little alchemy step by step

 The world is rapidly changing as technology advances at an unprecedented pace. One of these advancements is the internet, which has become an integral part of daily life for billions of people. However, the internet has several negative aspects that are threatening our environment and affecting the mental health of users. To make the internet a more user-friendly place, we must take immediate steps to limit pollution caused by internet use. A national survey revealed that only 30% of internet users are satisfied with how the internet is used. In addition, 47% of respondents admitted to gambling online or playing lotteries or casinos excessively. This shows that people have a lack of understanding about how to use the internet responsibly. The truth is that we cannot expect to use a piece of technology unless we first gain knowledge about it. People must be taught how to limit their online consumption and adopt healthy lifestyle habits instead. This will make it easier for us to reap the benefits of using the internet while damaging our environment less! The internet was designed to be a global community and therefore must be used cooperatively. For example, if you run out of battery on your phone, you can let someone else use yours until you can recharge your device later. Similarly, if someone needs help uploading a photo onto their website, others nearby can help them via Wi-Fi or through Bluetooth connectivity without interfering with their Internet usage . These type 2B actions show that people understand that having access to information is beneficial when done in moderation. However, there are still those who think it’s acceptable to download entire movies onto their phones or stream videos at full quality without limits . It’s up to us as global users to call out those who misuse technology by limiting what they do online! Internet users worldwide are calling for global actions to curb pollution created by internet use. The European Commission announced plans last year to reduce the amount of data sent via its 5G network by 50%. They believe this will reduce energy usage and protect our environment from excessive data processing . In addition, China recently implemented a “Great Firewall” system that uses artificial intelligence (AI) and other technologies to regulate web access in order to curb excessive web traffic . Internet providers in some countries have also limited access times for children due to studies showing they’re more susceptible to danger while on the web . It’s time for us all around the globe unite against dangerous web habits by learning how to limit our own on-line activities! Although there are many good aspects about using the internet such as communicating with friends or applying for a job position, it must be used responsibly or face harmful consequences like overuse depleting batteries or overuse destroying our planet's resources. Instead, create user-friendly guidelines and educate everyone about how they can limit their own online activities so we can all build a better world together!
